Sneaky Thief Xiao Ji works

Chapter 2198: Location of Treasure


令人背脊發涼的寒冷劍氣反覆可以穿透一切,這一劍是直接刺向沈翔的喉嚨。沈翔感應到那充滿無儘殺意的劍氣,在這種情況下,他施展全身的力量迅速避開,並出現在周飛身後。他掄起雙拳,使用天地殺伐拳,對著周飛的背部狂砸。經過天梯的鍛鍊,沈翔已經能挖掘出體內潛藏的力量。此時他瘋狂地施展天地殺伐拳,配合空間法則,使他的拳頭從四麵八方包圍周飛。轟!轟!轟!每一拳都產生極其恐怖的天地殺伐之力,那股濃烈的殺氣發出陣陣咆哮..."This is really complicated!" Shen Xiang frowned: "I don't know if I should tell Big Brother Changhai about this. If he knows, he would definitely blame use these Heaven Phenomenons for defense now but could potentially use them offensively in the future if he mastered his Heaven Body Divine Skill thoroughly!He took out his Devouring God Sword and...